Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Little Dramas at My Favorite Chat...

Well, my life has been a thunderstorm of activity lately, gheez...
And it will not get any better from the looks of things.
I really need to update this blog more though, my goodness.
This, my fellow witches, is where you will find me most evenings, chatting away about random topics and occassionally answering the usual occult/wiccan/pagan questions when no one else will.
Now, there are several types of chatters you will find on this chat and it's rather quite interesting to watch.
1. The Lurker- This is the person gets on and never says a word besides "mm"- Merry Meet... or "hello" or "hi." You see them on the list of chatters, but don't expect a conversation from them.
2. The Noob- I hate using this word but it's so fitting. It's basically self explainatory and you have a couple kinds of them.
A. The Drama Noob- This is the new, random guy who comes in with this big emergency that needs solving. Usually a newer witch as well, but not always.
B. The New Noob- A new witch who comes on by for talk and fellowship. Don't blame 'em. But man, they ask A LOT of questions. I mentor a lot this way or end up giving someone a free online tarot reading :).
3. She/He Who Has All the Answers- Self explainatory. Whoever plays this role is always helping out the noobs in the chat. I'm guilty of playing this part.
4. The Normal Chatter- Your average Joe who just wants to talk. No biggie.
5. The Sage- This is the OLD witch/pagan/wiccan who drops by from time to time to share what true wisdom you will ever glean from the chatroom. You're usually smacking yourself after he or she talks because what they said is so obvious in retrospect. It is rare to find them. A true pearl when you do find one.
Anyone who reads this blog is welcome to join the chat. Just say LunaCrevan sent you!
Just don't go spreading around my stereotypes okay? I might offend somebody, lol.
So there's some humor for the day. I hope you enjoyed.
Brightest Blessings!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Observations on the Masculine Divine and the Full Moon Tonight

Okay, okay, you're probably wondering why the bloody heck there is a photo of Wolverine on my pagan blog. Trust me, there is logic to it, it may be faulty logic, but there's logic to it.

First of all, I am on an X-Men kick again after watching X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Secondly, I have found a strange correlation between the old pagan views on the male divine and this good ole comic book character. You can thank the author Starhawk for that one and her Earth Rituals audiobook which I downloaded off of iTunes. Her description of the viril, beastly God fits my dear Wolverine (Can't you tell he's a favorite of mine? Lol.) to a tee almost.

I may be imagining things and this could be all in my head, but I swear Wolverine could be used as a metaphor for the wild, untamed God aspect of the Divine. The connection to the wilderness, the animalistic qualities and the sexual undertones with a powerful woman who could easily represent the Goddess (ie Miss. Gray in the films) are all there.

This may actually help cure some of my issues with the masculine aspect of the Divine, which, with my very Christian religious foundations are many. I mean, have "patron gods" in a way, but there're never as strong as the goddesses. Connecting with this wild man archetype could be a blessing to my currently dried up spiritual or at least I think it is, situation.

Who knows? I may be babbling and letting one obssession cross over into another. I do that from time to time

Moving on,

The full moon is tonight, no wonder I'm acting strangely. Haha.

(That is Skadi, the Norse winter goddess, who wild ways seem to fit the tone of my post today.)
I don't know if I'm doing an esbat rite tonight, since I'm working, but I may do something this afternoon. With my bizarre epiphany, coupled with the blessing that I just ended all my current college classes yesterday, some thanksgiving may be in order.
I'll see how the vibrations are feeling. I never do ritual without it feeling just right. Right now, they're fine. They may not be later. They may be just fine later too. Who knows?
I of all people, being a young student and a young witch, do not know it all yet.
Full Moon blessings!
And Brightest Blessings Be
May the Wild, Horned God of the Sun and Wilderness guide your ways!