Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Little Dramas at My Favorite Chat...

Well, my life has been a thunderstorm of activity lately, gheez...
And it will not get any better from the looks of things.
I really need to update this blog more though, my goodness.
This, my fellow witches, is where you will find me most evenings, chatting away about random topics and occassionally answering the usual occult/wiccan/pagan questions when no one else will.
Now, there are several types of chatters you will find on this chat and it's rather quite interesting to watch.
1. The Lurker- This is the person gets on and never says a word besides "mm"- Merry Meet... or "hello" or "hi." You see them on the list of chatters, but don't expect a conversation from them.
2. The Noob- I hate using this word but it's so fitting. It's basically self explainatory and you have a couple kinds of them.
A. The Drama Noob- This is the new, random guy who comes in with this big emergency that needs solving. Usually a newer witch as well, but not always.
B. The New Noob- A new witch who comes on by for talk and fellowship. Don't blame 'em. But man, they ask A LOT of questions. I mentor a lot this way or end up giving someone a free online tarot reading :).
3. She/He Who Has All the Answers- Self explainatory. Whoever plays this role is always helping out the noobs in the chat. I'm guilty of playing this part.
4. The Normal Chatter- Your average Joe who just wants to talk. No biggie.
5. The Sage- This is the OLD witch/pagan/wiccan who drops by from time to time to share what true wisdom you will ever glean from the chatroom. You're usually smacking yourself after he or she talks because what they said is so obvious in retrospect. It is rare to find them. A true pearl when you do find one.
Anyone who reads this blog is welcome to join the chat. Just say LunaCrevan sent you!
Just don't go spreading around my stereotypes okay? I might offend somebody, lol.
So there's some humor for the day. I hope you enjoyed.
Brightest Blessings!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Observations on the Masculine Divine and the Full Moon Tonight

Okay, okay, you're probably wondering why the bloody heck there is a photo of Wolverine on my pagan blog. Trust me, there is logic to it, it may be faulty logic, but there's logic to it.

First of all, I am on an X-Men kick again after watching X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Secondly, I have found a strange correlation between the old pagan views on the male divine and this good ole comic book character. You can thank the author Starhawk for that one and her Earth Rituals audiobook which I downloaded off of iTunes. Her description of the viril, beastly God fits my dear Wolverine (Can't you tell he's a favorite of mine? Lol.) to a tee almost.

I may be imagining things and this could be all in my head, but I swear Wolverine could be used as a metaphor for the wild, untamed God aspect of the Divine. The connection to the wilderness, the animalistic qualities and the sexual undertones with a powerful woman who could easily represent the Goddess (ie Miss. Gray in the films) are all there.

This may actually help cure some of my issues with the masculine aspect of the Divine, which, with my very Christian religious foundations are many. I mean, have "patron gods" in a way, but there're never as strong as the goddesses. Connecting with this wild man archetype could be a blessing to my currently dried up spiritual or at least I think it is, situation.

Who knows? I may be babbling and letting one obssession cross over into another. I do that from time to time

Moving on,

The full moon is tonight, no wonder I'm acting strangely. Haha.

(That is Skadi, the Norse winter goddess, who wild ways seem to fit the tone of my post today.)
I don't know if I'm doing an esbat rite tonight, since I'm working, but I may do something this afternoon. With my bizarre epiphany, coupled with the blessing that I just ended all my current college classes yesterday, some thanksgiving may be in order.
I'll see how the vibrations are feeling. I never do ritual without it feeling just right. Right now, they're fine. They may not be later. They may be just fine later too. Who knows?
I of all people, being a young student and a young witch, do not know it all yet.
Full Moon blessings!
And Brightest Blessings Be
May the Wild, Horned God of the Sun and Wilderness guide your ways!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Blessed Beltane

"Today, we thank the Mother Goddess for her bounty...as she joins in the sacred marriage with her consort, our Lord the God." -
Paraphrase of my Beltane ritual this year.


A big thank you for the comments on my last post, particularly to the one given by my mentor, Aslinn.

Aslinn, I want you to know I will never wander away and leave you, you're like family to me and that is one guiding light getting me through this.

As for the depression comment, I have to get very personal to explain that one;

Yes, I do suffer from mental illness. I am bipolar. Am I on medication for it and under medical care and treatment for it? Yes. Is that the reason behind my dark night of the soul recently? I'm sure it is, at least partially.


Enough on that,

I am proud to report I had a very blessed Beltane and I did not even have to write a new ritual for myself to use personally. (There's nothing wrong with the old one, to be perfectly frank.)

I spent it with two friends, one being an older friend of mine and a novice witch himself and the other being a new friend and a bit of a curiousity seeker. Both added an energy to my celebration this year I will never forget.

We did an impromptu ritual under a pine tree on the grounds of the community college I currently attend. Well, at least, I did most of the actual ritual stuff, being the most experienced of the three of us. Either way, having companions for fellowship on this sabbat helped my mood immensely. Feeling the power of the Divine out in nature (it was sprinkling rain no less), added to the experience as well. Jane and Stewart Ferrar were truly correct in saying outdoor rituals are better in their book the Witches' Bible.

I'm still tired, strung out and in the shadows, but I know the light's coming eventually, so no worries.

Being stuck in transition really plays into this "dark night" I mentioned as well, seeing as I'm about to transfer to a four year university soon. The ending semster isn't helping.

The Divine willing, this too shall pass. Today really proved that it will.

Brightest Blessings

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Dark Night of the Soul

Well y'all, if you haven't figured out by now, I am horribly stuck in a long "dark night of the soul."

I had one when I first began my Craft studies and I'm having another. Only this time, its much more drawn out than before.

The first one lasted only say, like a week. This one has been going on for a couple months. And it's not just affecting my witchcraft and spirituality. It's affecting my creative endeavors and my concentration at school.

Other than just pushing through it, which I'm doing. Y'know, the "grin and bear it" method, I have no idea what to do.

I know who I am and what I believe in. So what's the problem? What do I do?

I'm not expecting an answer to that, but it'd be nice to get something other than "just keep swimming," so to speak.

I feel like I'm being tested and I probably am.

Enough ranting. I will have Beltane wisdom to share next time, hopefully. I'm thinking about redoing my ritual for this sabbat since it's so short and more than likely ripped off from someone else (not a bad thing, but I like my own words better). I'll post on it here if I do write a new one.

Brightest Blessings

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Busy Spring Stuff, Beltane and Blessings

Greetings everyone,

I apologize for the long leave of absence, but I promise it was not intentional this time. My life has been a whirlwind of crazy and I've barely been able to think straight, let along type up stuff with this lovely little blog.


My dears, Beltane is only a week or so away and there's so much going on! If you're anything like me you haven't even planned out time to reflect, let alone time to do a ritual for this all important sabbat.

The thing for me is, Beltane is the very first pagan celebration I ever took part in, so I find it very important. Being unable to honor it this year would just down my spirits incredibly. I'm sure you all find importance in it in your own ways as well.

So what does one do?
If worse comes to comes to worse, at least find some time to meditate on the subject of this season. Summer's on the way and all the fun and sun it brings so there's a lot to be thankful for.

I am however, intent on doing a formal ceremony or at least formal-ish, for Beltane. Sometimes it's just a matter of scheduling in the time. Y'know... "pencil it in." The gods don't necessarily appreciate having to make appointments, but I'm sure they would appreciate any attention you offer to them to honor the bounty of summer and the fullness and power of the sun.

By the way,
Happy Earth Day!!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Magickal Social Networking Websites

Well, somebody's reading this somewhere, according to my feedburner stats. Thank you so much!

Comments and google follows are appreciated as well, so if you like what you see, feel free.


Okay, I am of the generation of social networking sites and blogs and I am thinking my readers are as well or at least involved with them.
Obviously if you're a fan of this blog you like blogs in general, given the hidden little corner of the internet this blog calls home.

And if you like blogs and blogging, you're more than likely involved in social networking sites like facebook, livejournal, myspace and so on, some of which have built in blogs.

Where am I going with all this babble?

There is a point.

I am not sure how it happened, but there are loads of pagan social networking websites popping up all over the place lately. The newest and most popular of which being paganspace.net. (There are others that are newer yes, but paganspace is the largest.)

Yes, I do keep a profile on there under my magickal name of Tanith LunaCrevan for those who are curious.

Other than the very old and forever grand Witches' Voice website, this is rather alien to me and I am sure it is to other witches and pagans. The internet has always been a great connecting tool for the modern witch, but I don't think we've ever experienced the social aspect of it to this strong of a degree outside of the networking sites everyone else uses.

Am I off on this? Please tell me. I just remember when I was first starting out, dabbling in and out of Wicca and the occult, paganspace ands all these other pagan networks did not exist. Granted, I was in junior high and bit ignorant at that point, but I spent tons of time on the internet doing research on these subjects. If they existed in such number, I would have been aware.

Any comments or viewpoints from anyone would be appreciated.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Very Blessed Ostara

First off, a big thank you to Brian Froud for painting this wonderful piece of fairy artwork. This particular piece is called 'The Fairy Godmother.'


I nearly forgot to wish everyone a very blessed Ostara and very bountiful Spring season.

And with that I offer up a few little ideas to help make this upcoming season more sacred and more bright.

1. Buy some special new clothes to honor the Goddess as she dons the bounty and beauty of Spring.

2. Burn incense, sing, move in a widdershins pattern and such as you do your Spring cleaning to help purify and sanctify your home.

3. Plant herbs in your garden for later use in spells for prosperity, purity and growth, for the time is ripe for all these.

4. Offer up a prayer to the strong new Sun and acknowledge the reborn God.

Just some thoughts.

Blessed be!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Recommended List

Merry meet everyone and I apologize for my short leave of absence. With the current lack of feedback about this blog, I got a little discouraged and went on haitus for a bit, but I have now returned. A little inspiration from my mentor, Aslinn and a new Craft book to add to my little library were just the thing to get me writing again.
Whoever may be reading out there, from here on in, this is for you... Contact, comment or not, just please keep reading.
Now to brass tax. You might be wondering, where the blazes does a book come into this? (Other than the fact I just bought a couple.)
Well, I was thinking every Craft blog needs a recommended reading, listening, ect list. Mine certainly is no different. I'll focus on authors and musicians, but I'll throw in a selection of useful websites as well, some of which I have used consistently in my own studies.
Scott Cunningham
Raymond Buckland
Christopher Penzcak (A very wise, semi-scientific, electic witch and teacher)
Patricia Telesco
Deepak Chopra (Founder of the Alliance for a New Humanity)
Ellen Dugan
Michelle Blanger (Expert on vampirism and death magick)
Janet and Stewart Ferrar (Elders of the Alexandrian tradition)
Doreen Valiente (Gerald Gardiner's high priestess)
Sir Frazer (author of the Golden Bough)
Alester Crowley (Founder of the Thelmetic system of magic)
John Dee (Founder of the Enochian system of magic)
Most of these are authors of good books I own. Others are authors of books I wish to own.
But just to name a few, for both advanced and beginning witches, I recommend these writers...
Gaia Consort
Inkubus Sukkubus
S.J Tucker
Wendy Rule
Flight of the Hawk (Did an awesome, shamanic, neoPagan album)
To list my favorites....
A Witches' Primer by Ariel (Anything by him is good, honestly. But I learn a lot from this podcast that is actually centered around beginning witches. In my opinion, there is intermediate to advanced content in this podcast as well.)
Ariel's Meditations (Again, very good)
The Infinite and The Beyond by Christopher Orapello (Very entertaining and informative podcast worth catching up to.)
Pagan Chaos Magic by Kia Dragon (Contains loads of info!)
The Moonlit Road Podcast by TMR (Not pagan, but tells a couple tales of the supernatural worth listening to)
I'm not huge into podcasts. I don't stay on top of my subscriptions or anything, but these I've gotten a lot out of.
Again just to name a few....
Brightest Blessings Be

Friday, March 6, 2009

Sutble Spells, Crafty Crafting

This is going along the same lines as my last philosophical post, but with an important difference.
My last major post was concerned with the essence of magic that exists in all things. My primary focus this time is how exactly to tap into that magic in your every day life.
How much of a challenge this is really depends on the witch. For me, despite my intuitive inclinations (more on that later) and creative viewpoints, it has been enormously difficult. I have met other witches who share this struggle and I have met a couple who don't. I really think it depends on the person and how you were raised.
I was raised with the idea that the sacred stays in "church" and the mundane or normally exists everywhere else. I had no idea how much that thought process influenced me until I got toward an intermeditate level of my Craft practice, where integration of magic into the mundane is vital for mastery and true understanding of it. I'm still working on it, to be honest. I don't require many tools to create a sacred space, but what tools I require, like my prayer shawl, for example, are absolutely NECESSARY for me to tune myself into more sacred energies.
It's all about mindset really. I realize now the extent to which magical and divine energy extends, but I still need a little push to recognize it for purposes of a ritual or spell. I think most of us are like that.
As to how exactly pull this mundane/magical integration off, here's some tricks I've figured out or have had given to me:
1. Use a specific piece of clothing for ritual, casting, divination, ect. The more you use it this way, the more the vibrations will become more visibly sacred. You will view it and feel it as such and it will invoke sacred feelings. My best example is again, my rainbow colored, Celtic designed prayer shawl.
2. Find handy magical methods for little problems.
Example, the astra's energy from a previous post was given to me by a mentor to help with my physical energy levels at work.
3. Make magical reminders with a purpose. Mandalas, sigils and pentacles are great for this.
ie. A sigil I made and hung on my wall for the purpose of averting poverty.
4. Find some good pagan/wiccan music.
(I'm a nut about this. About a third of the music on my iPod is spiritual in some way or form.)
5. Start a witchcraft blog.
(That was one reason why I started this thing. Actually, I've tried to do this a couple of times.)
That's only a few I've used.
My point being, all things are magical and should be viewed as magical. How exactly you fix your perception of this wholly sacred world is up to you. As long as you acknowledge the truth and celebrate it, you ought to be fine.
Brightest Blessings Be

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

More Useful Recipes and Spells...

I'm having a bit of an off-day so I'm just going to post some more useful BOS info. I promise I will return to the deep spiritual musings eventually, once I get out of this rut I'm in:

Angel Invocation-
(From John Dee's Enochian Keys)
Eee Nu Rah
Eee Nu Rah
Eee Nu Rah

Astra's Energy
(Recipe given to me by my mentor, Aslinn Dhan Dragonhawk)
3 drops cinnamon oil
12 drops olive oil
12 drops lemon oil

and recite this charm:
"Energy of the world unite in me,
Bring energy and life to me,
help me get through the busy day,
as I with strength go on my way."

Broomstick Blessing
by Yours Truly

Bless this broom with this charm
Witches' tool of old
May you be charged
Bright and bold.

The ocean's might
The wind's flight
The fire's light
The Earth's height
All these elements their powers be yours,
Blessed be...

*Cleanse spiritual working space with newly charged broom*

*Once done chant*
I may not ride you as legends tell
But I still use you well
Unexpected company comes when you have fell

Yours is the gift of the hearth
That is how I see your worth
A symbol of a woman's place and power
And of sabbats at the the midnight hour

I ask that you serve me well
As I softly weave this spell
And honor your sacred place

So mote it be!

P.S. If I post anything that is yours without giving due credit, please message me or email me.
You can email me at setlahseafox@yahoo.com!

Brightest Blessings Be

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Full Moon Rite Via Chatroom

For those from wicca-chat or any other interested pagan, wiccans or witches, here is the link to special chatroom I set up for our full moon ritual.

The ritual will take place on Monday, March 9th at 6:00 PM Central Time.

See you there!

Blessed be

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Spells and Recipes for Spring

Okay, it's ironic to be typing this when it's snowing outside, but here goes;

Faerie Invocation

written by yours truly

Faeries, faerieland folk I pray,

Shide, Gnomes, Brownies, Pixies,

Join me here so we can play,

Dryads, Elves, Nymphs, Sprites,

Grant your magic to aid me this day,

You are always welcome in my home,

Blessed wee folk, spirits of Earth, blessed fae,

Accept my offerings spirits of light,

Blessed be and merry meet.

Come See Me Oil

One drop cinnamon

Three drops rose

Six drops sandalwood.

Charm to Banish Anger

again by yours truly

Raging tempest, burning flame,

Anger be gone in Jesus's name,

Rose petals, silk lace,

All will be calm in Mary's embrace

((Requires rose oil to dab on temples and wrists))

Greed in the Craft

I have to address this because it is something that is near impossible to get away from, so much so that it is downright irritating.
Commericalism has infected the Craft like a disease. It has been that way for years, as long as I have been involved in it and long before.
It is degrading to what we do and it removes from its point.
Now, granted, I do have a little spell and tarot service up on myspace, but I am unbelievably cheap (Think single dollar amounts here.) But charging fifty dollars for candles and some sage or over a hundred dollars for an advanced Wicca course that is only recycled garbage is a bit much.
But yeah, I'm picking on you Magicka School and Sacred Mists. Lay off on the prices dude. Some of us want to practice the old ways in the old way, through apprenticeship and free exchange.
Brightest Blessings Be

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Essence of All Things

This by far was one of the most difficult lessons for me to learn as a witch; magic exists in all things. The concept I understood and made use of to some degree, but it took some time before it seeped into my daily life. For me, it took some serious perception changes before I realized everything has the capability of being sacred and magical.

I'm curious if any other witches have this problem starting out. It seems to be a prevalent issue, particularly with ceremonial based practices. It is this concept that helps eliminate much of the unncessary complications from the spirituality of the Craft. Without a solid foundation of it, some, from my observations, tend to get caught up in the "things" and not the "essence" within the things, which magic is all about.

You can talk in vague metaphors and wave a sword around all you want and not get the basic idea that makes all of this possible.

There's no need to make such a simple thought so complex. The same applies to several other foundational beliefs of witchcraft, such as polarity and subsitution.

That is one reason why I have a difficult time buying into some of these people peddling "ancient lost secrets" and "the hidden knowledge of the ancient mystery schools." What can they possibly share that is not an expansion or overcomplication of these principles?

Also, speaking to my fellow college witches, how else can we practice our Craft all without acknowledging the inherent divinity in all things? Dorms do not allow athames and candles. For us community college folk, most parents strongly dislike the symbols of the Craft in general, such as the pentacle. We are forced by necessity to seek outside traditional methods to practice our art. This concept allows us that freedom.

There is magic inherent in all things.

I shall continue on later about other important principles, principles that should be expressed in the most basic of ways for the sake of all those learning and practicing them. These shall range from Heremetic Principles to Wiccan beliefs,often these being one and the same.

Brightest Blessings Be

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Series of Thoughts

After encountering again and again that I do not have a sufficent, formal place to express my own thoughts on the Craft, being a college age witch and other spiritual matters. I have made up my mind to create this blog for college age witches by a college age witch.
Fitting that I can use my very pagan google e-mail address to set it up, which I find very ironic.
Where to begin?
First off, I am 19 years old. I live in Arkansas and I am an anthropology major. I am attending a community college currently but as of next semster I will be attending a four year university in Missouri.
With Ostara only about a month away, signaling the arrival of Spring, I find it only fitting that this series of thoughts begin now.
What triggered this?
Honestly, the high-minded, overly complex, overly metaphorical teachings of a certain ceremonial magician I encountered online. I have never been this intent on putting down into words what I feel is and isn't important to study of Wicca and witchcraft in general.
I am simple in my approach. My speciality is folk magic and it shows in this regard. My theological ideas are basic, but powerful. My spirituality as well as my tradition are blended in several ways and very raw. Polished, posed, smoke and mirrors magic is not my forte at all.
So, in short, be prepared to hear some blunt, straightforward opinions from me on several issues. I have some strong words to share and I am going to share them.
Hopefully I can teach someone in the process.
Brightest Blessings Be