Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Blessed Beltane

"Today, we thank the Mother Goddess for her she joins in the sacred marriage with her consort, our Lord the God." -
Paraphrase of my Beltane ritual this year.


A big thank you for the comments on my last post, particularly to the one given by my mentor, Aslinn.

Aslinn, I want you to know I will never wander away and leave you, you're like family to me and that is one guiding light getting me through this.

As for the depression comment, I have to get very personal to explain that one;

Yes, I do suffer from mental illness. I am bipolar. Am I on medication for it and under medical care and treatment for it? Yes. Is that the reason behind my dark night of the soul recently? I'm sure it is, at least partially.


Enough on that,

I am proud to report I had a very blessed Beltane and I did not even have to write a new ritual for myself to use personally. (There's nothing wrong with the old one, to be perfectly frank.)

I spent it with two friends, one being an older friend of mine and a novice witch himself and the other being a new friend and a bit of a curiousity seeker. Both added an energy to my celebration this year I will never forget.

We did an impromptu ritual under a pine tree on the grounds of the community college I currently attend. Well, at least, I did most of the actual ritual stuff, being the most experienced of the three of us. Either way, having companions for fellowship on this sabbat helped my mood immensely. Feeling the power of the Divine out in nature (it was sprinkling rain no less), added to the experience as well. Jane and Stewart Ferrar were truly correct in saying outdoor rituals are better in their book the Witches' Bible.

I'm still tired, strung out and in the shadows, but I know the light's coming eventually, so no worries.

Being stuck in transition really plays into this "dark night" I mentioned as well, seeing as I'm about to transfer to a four year university soon. The ending semster isn't helping.

The Divine willing, this too shall pass. Today really proved that it will.

Brightest Blessings

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Dark Night of the Soul

Well y'all, if you haven't figured out by now, I am horribly stuck in a long "dark night of the soul."

I had one when I first began my Craft studies and I'm having another. Only this time, its much more drawn out than before.

The first one lasted only say, like a week. This one has been going on for a couple months. And it's not just affecting my witchcraft and spirituality. It's affecting my creative endeavors and my concentration at school.

Other than just pushing through it, which I'm doing. Y'know, the "grin and bear it" method, I have no idea what to do.

I know who I am and what I believe in. So what's the problem? What do I do?

I'm not expecting an answer to that, but it'd be nice to get something other than "just keep swimming," so to speak.

I feel like I'm being tested and I probably am.

Enough ranting. I will have Beltane wisdom to share next time, hopefully. I'm thinking about redoing my ritual for this sabbat since it's so short and more than likely ripped off from someone else (not a bad thing, but I like my own words better). I'll post on it here if I do write a new one.

Brightest Blessings

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Busy Spring Stuff, Beltane and Blessings

Greetings everyone,

I apologize for the long leave of absence, but I promise it was not intentional this time. My life has been a whirlwind of crazy and I've barely been able to think straight, let along type up stuff with this lovely little blog.


My dears, Beltane is only a week or so away and there's so much going on! If you're anything like me you haven't even planned out time to reflect, let alone time to do a ritual for this all important sabbat.

The thing for me is, Beltane is the very first pagan celebration I ever took part in, so I find it very important. Being unable to honor it this year would just down my spirits incredibly. I'm sure you all find importance in it in your own ways as well.

So what does one do?
If worse comes to comes to worse, at least find some time to meditate on the subject of this season. Summer's on the way and all the fun and sun it brings so there's a lot to be thankful for.

I am however, intent on doing a formal ceremony or at least formal-ish, for Beltane. Sometimes it's just a matter of scheduling in the time. Y'know... "pencil it in." The gods don't necessarily appreciate having to make appointments, but I'm sure they would appreciate any attention you offer to them to honor the bounty of summer and the fullness and power of the sun.

By the way,
Happy Earth Day!!!!