Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Essence of All Things

This by far was one of the most difficult lessons for me to learn as a witch; magic exists in all things. The concept I understood and made use of to some degree, but it took some time before it seeped into my daily life. For me, it took some serious perception changes before I realized everything has the capability of being sacred and magical.

I'm curious if any other witches have this problem starting out. It seems to be a prevalent issue, particularly with ceremonial based practices. It is this concept that helps eliminate much of the unncessary complications from the spirituality of the Craft. Without a solid foundation of it, some, from my observations, tend to get caught up in the "things" and not the "essence" within the things, which magic is all about.

You can talk in vague metaphors and wave a sword around all you want and not get the basic idea that makes all of this possible.

There's no need to make such a simple thought so complex. The same applies to several other foundational beliefs of witchcraft, such as polarity and subsitution.

That is one reason why I have a difficult time buying into some of these people peddling "ancient lost secrets" and "the hidden knowledge of the ancient mystery schools." What can they possibly share that is not an expansion or overcomplication of these principles?

Also, speaking to my fellow college witches, how else can we practice our Craft all without acknowledging the inherent divinity in all things? Dorms do not allow athames and candles. For us community college folk, most parents strongly dislike the symbols of the Craft in general, such as the pentacle. We are forced by necessity to seek outside traditional methods to practice our art. This concept allows us that freedom.

There is magic inherent in all things.

I shall continue on later about other important principles, principles that should be expressed in the most basic of ways for the sake of all those learning and practicing them. These shall range from Heremetic Principles to Wiccan beliefs,often these being one and the same.

Brightest Blessings Be

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